Wednesday, November 01, 2006

A Night in the Light

Our family went to Open Door Church for a "Night in the Light" kids carnival. It was lots of fun! There were kid appropriate games, a couple jump houses, food, family photos taken, and lots of CANDY! Jacob was "Woody" from Toy Story. Isabelle was a puppy. Andrew was a pumpkin, and Brenton was a hockey player. I would have been an M & M, but I had to walk around wtih the baby bjorn on so it would not have fit well.

Before the carnival, we all had some FREE Chipotle! YUM! They had a promotion if you dressed up like a burrito, then you got a free burrito. Really all you had to do was put some tin foil anywhere on your body. It was AWESOME.

Halloween gets a bad rap for being the Devil's holiday, but our family had a lot of fun being together and dressing up, I'm not giving the credit to the devil, I credit it all to God!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! That sounds like a perfect way to spend the evening as a family.

    Any dates set for the get together?


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