Sunday, April 12, 2009

the Movie

I went to the Hannah Montana movie with Izzy last night. I know for sure I enjoyed it more than she did. She loved the singing and dancing parts, but the story line was "too much talking" as she would say. We were running in as another mom and 2 girls were entering. Izzy and I were laughing and excited to see the show. I smiled at the other mom and asked if they were going to the Hannah Montana movie. She replied, "Yea, I will never get this hour and half back in my life."
I didn't let on to my inner excitement. I am sure I can't convince anyone to see it who doesn't have a daughter between 3-9, but if you get the chance, it's a good movie.
The only thing I am confused about is- should I be calling her Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus?

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