Tuesday, May 17, 2011


School is not out for another 3 weeks, yet it feels like summer break starts tomorrow.  This is our schedule so far for June, and it still doesn't have any of Izzy's soccer practice or games on it, piano lessons, things for Brenton or I, trips to the cabin & Michigan, and days to go to the pool or bowling on it.  SERIOUSLY!  July and August look much the same.  For a person like me (ESFP), keeping an organized calendar is a daunting task.
I'm looking forward to summer break, but looking at our schedule, I don't see much "break" happening.

1 comment:

  1. Hey- put the weekend of July 16 on the calendar as a cabin weekend - that's Emily Day!! The kids would love it, and we would too.
    (But if that weekend doesn't work, just tell me which one will work for you all.)


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