Tuesday, January 15, 2008


We don't try to hide that we are not "handy" when it comes to fixing things. So when Brenton told me 'WE' were going to carpet the stairs together I was a little apprehensive. I didn't want to be negative, so I smiled, laughed a little and agreed that it would be fun. However, I was thinking the whole time, we are screwed! BUT now that the job is done and there was no mention of divorce during the project, I will say, hip hip hooray for us- we did it! Actually, Brenton did it. Before we even had the carpet down on the first step I sliced my thumb open and was pretty much out the rest of the time. WAY TO GO BRENTON, it looks great!


  1. Looks great!!!! You should start flippin' houses.

  2. "A stumble may prevent a fall."....Maybe slicing your thumb saved you from divorce! :)

    Looks great, we'll make sure to call Brenton when we're ready to finish our basement!


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