Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A Notebook

Recently, our family has been addicted to the show Clean House. After watching about people selling all their clutter and unneeded junk, it has lit a fire under Brenton to finally throw away all of his college and seminary notes from classes. He has even gotten rid of some books and other unnecessary things (This is a huge feat for those of you that know Brenton). I am proud of him because he really hasn't wanted to, but knows that there really isn't a use for it all now. As I know I have my fair share of things to get rid of, I offered to go through a box last night too. When he brought the box into the room, I knew immediately what it was. It was a small file container that my mom kept all my cutest art projects starting when I began school. As I was looking through it and trying to remember when I was in school I came across a notebook.

When I picked up the notebook a small green note pad fell out of it. As I picked it up, I noticed it was my moms handwriting. As I started to read, I realized she had journaled my first few days with the family when they adopted me at 15 months. It was so interesting to read. Then I went back to the larger notebook I found and read through that. While I was in foster care, the foster family journaled my first 15 months with them. I was so excited to read through it. I may have read through this in the past, I don't remember, but it means so much more now that I have children and I wonder what quirky things they got from me. I was comparing everything. When I crawled, to when they crawled. What my temperament was like, to what theirs in like. The foster mother was so detailed in things I liked and didn't like, toys I got for gifts, my moods, busyness, and much more. I can now identify things in my 3 that I read I did as well. Then, to know what those first days were like after being adopted were so cool. Not only did I get to see how I adjusted, I was able to read how my older brother adjusted and my parents. These 2 items are now precious possessions to me.

I am convinced more than ever the value of a baby scrapbook, a blog, or a journal of a child's early life. The early years are something they can't remember, but with our help we can offer a snapshot of what it was like because I assume so much will change and happen in the coming years, that we might forget.

Thank you mom for keeping it safe for me, don't worry I didn't throw away the box!


  1. what an amazing gift from the foster parents. Detailing out things like that.

    We are going room by room and trying to reduce 'stuff' by 30%. Yeah...that number isn't firm, but I was trying to set a goal in my head and Nikki's that we have to get rid/donate stuff. Our house which seems huge, is really small right now cause we've just filled every nook and cranny.

    What's funny is we go and buy something, to only find that we already had it somewhere.

    Anyway...I did have a point...which I almost lost...I found my Engadgement encounters notebook and letters we wrote to each other. All the way back from 1999. Needless to say...I kept them. It's fun cleaning, and finding these little treasures!


  2. That is a neat story Steph. So how are your scrap books coming? he he

  3. Wow, that's such a good idea, journaling about the first few days home. We are waiting for a referral for a child from Ethiopia and I've been struggling with how to deal with missing out on all the early memories, etc. I will be adding this to my "to do" list for our baby.

    We've also been cleaning things out - but we are cleaning them out for a rummage sale to raise money for the adoption. If you have anything you want to send my way, let me know...


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