Friday, January 11, 2008

No hablo espanol

Ever since I can remember people have always thought I speak Spanish. I love when people first meet me, they look at me and I know exactly what they are thinking- "What is she." People are usually surprised when I say Hawaiian. I don't mind at all because Spanish is a beautiful language, but I feel kind of stupid when they come up to me and start speaking Spanish. Today while I was at Chipotle (YUM) they immediately started speaking Spanish to me. I know enough to get by in a conversation, but it takes me a couple seconds to translate in my head. All the employees (not exaggerating) were smiling at me and asking me questions. Finally, one of the woman asked, in English, "You don't speak Spanish?" I half laughed and said, "No, I am Hawaiian." They all laughed and apologized. The man at the register was positive that I was Hispanic. We all laughed and I left- I think he cut me a deal, sweet! Well, I can't change how I look, so maybe I just need to learn Spanish. Carrie, can you help? :)


  1. ha ha Carrie, not funny! I have no idea what that says! Good to hear you are having a good time! We miss you!

  2. Sorry! I said, "Of course! It would be a pleasure."

    Miss you too!


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