Monday, May 19, 2008

Notes on What Hapens When Women Say Yes to God

I've been making my way through Lysa TerKeurst's book, What Happens When Women Say Yes to God. It's been my desire and focus to listen more and act less in my relationship with Jesus. I desire to follow the path he leads me down, whether it's good or bad. I get wrapped up a lot in life's "need to" emphasis and the urgency the world gives. As I was reading today, I pulled out these three quotes, I could write more but I will have you get the book and read it for yourself.

The section is titled The Power to Obey

Know this: Satan will do everything he can to convince you to say no to God. Satan's very name means "one who separates." He wants to separate you from God's best by offering what seems "very good" from a worldly perspective. He wants you to deny Christ's power in you. He wants to distract you from God's radical purpose for you.

Satan has no new tricks up his sleeve. He still has nothing better to tempt us with than worldly things. Physical, emotional, and psychological pleasures that fall outside the will of God are still what Satan is using to pull the hearts of God's people away.

From the section:No Matter What

Many people halfheartedly claim to be Christians, believing that because we will never be perfect this side of eternity we have an excuse to pursue that which pleases our human longings. Why not push the limits, live for the now, and worry about eternity later? The problem is that we miss the whole point of our existence, the very purpose for which we were created. God made us for the the relationship of His perfect love. While we are not capable of perfect performance this side of eternity, we are capable of perfect love. We can settle in our hearts that we will choose God's love and the pursuit of a love relationship with Him above all else, no matter what comes our way.

Over the past 6 months I have been turned down 8 times for jobs, and it could be 9 in a week or more. My ego and confidence take a hit when that continues to happen. I start to doubt abilities, experiences, talents, skills, and myself. Feeling of rejection and low self worth creep in. Worry and fear of never finding job or not being able to pay the bills starts to weigh on my shoulders. And then I get a grip, reshift my focus and thinking back to Jesus and realize that He has something greater for me. I have said YES and I will wait for His lead and call on my life. I am ready to be radically obedient to his call, but waiting is the sucky part.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Stephanie! Just wanted to say that it was great to see you at WiBo and finally meet you in person! Hope you had a great trip and are all doing well!


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