Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Gone Missing

No one or nothing has really gone missing, but lately, I feel like I could put my face on a poster with the title "gone missing".
I feel as if I have gone missing from my family. It's mostly my fault because of personal choices, like going to a scrapbooking weekend, or choosing to coach basketball, and choosing to return to the work force, but its all come together at the same time, and I feel like I have been gone so much from my family that they've forgotten who I am. After this week, things should calm down (I worry to say that, knowing that something else could take my attention away at any time). I am officially done with conferences for the year, it was an ugly session of conferences, but much needed. I will finish the bball season on Saturday, and after tomorrow, I will have completed my 3 teaching observations.

Are these big, but I am really looking forward to more cuddling time, cleaning time (did I really just write that), and lounging time. I want to leave the work at school and find out what I've missed at home for the past 3 months. It feels as if I am returning home after being gone on a trip, and I looking forward to hearing everything I've missed out on.

1 comment:

  1. Just ran across your blog today. Thought I'd say hello!

    --Terrace Crawford


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