Friday, June 05, 2009

Schools out!

Today was the last day of school! It was filled with excitement as the 5th graders move on into Middle School, sadness knowing that they were done with their elementary careers, and joy knowing that summer is finally here!
I had a GREAT year teaching this year. I had awesome students who were respectful and eager to learn. Here are my 2 classes that I taught- I will miss them, but I wish them all the best as they continue on in their educational journey! I hope they always remember that they can come to me at any time with any life questions, even if I am not their teacher anymore! Best of luck class of 2016!


  1. Sounds like time to hit the pools with my favorite Northfield family...AV pool opens next weekend!

  2. how many tears did u shed while posting???

    ur fav student



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