Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I'm losing it!

I'm not talking about losing my mind from my children, although some days that's the case. I am talking about my drive and focus when it comes to weight loss. I don't what's wrong with me, I am finding ways to justify eating after 7:30pm and eating whatever I want. I am still always thinking that I shouldn't eat that cookie or snack, but it's like my mind and actions are not in sync and I can't stop myself from putting whatever it is in my mouth. I don't know where all my enthusiasm went. I have goals, rewards, reasons why I want this so badly, but it doesn't seem to be enough lately. I think it might be from my lack of working out. It's gotten easier to make excuses not to go. I hate when I actually make that choice, but I quickly move past the personal disappointment. So, what's wrong with me? How do I get going again? Someone please slap me and remind me of my reality (size, weight, desires, goals). I think I need to regain the mindset that just because I wish for something doesn't mean it will happen, I need to want it bad enough to make it happen.
So here are my latest excuses:
1. I am too tired
2. I don't have any contacts and don't want to workout with glasses on (I did get some now, so I can't use this one again)
3. We don't have anything healthy to eat in the house, so I will eat the kids food. I don't want to go the grocery store.
4. My knee hurts really bad when I am on the treadmill
5. I am so busy
6. I will just eat a little piece of chocolate so I don't crave it anymore ( I end up eating it all)
7. I just want to hang out with my family when Brenton is home rather than go to the gym
9. I need new tennis shoes

I think that's all my excuses, now that I have exposed them to all of you, don't let me use them!!! I really do want to lose the 49 more pounds. I think I am frustrated with losing 12 pounds because I have really no visual results and I only sometimes feel like I have more energy.
Well, it's all out there now. Hopefully I will stop with this pity party and get moving.


  1. I've been there, and totally understand. I'm sorry it's so hard. This is how I was for the last entire year. I don't know how to tell you how to get out.
    The fact that you struggle with the exact same thing I do is inspiring. I'm only on week 3, the longest I stayed on a healthy path was maybe 3 or 4 months. Mainly because my wife and I kept pulling and pushing each other.
    My wife helps me do this again, I know I can't do it alone. We eat the same stuff and celebrate success together.

    Blessings on you, you'll get through this, it just takes time.

  2. Hey, just got your comment. I think that the most important thing I did was to get a workout partner. I actually met her working out and we just became accountable to each other almost right away. Also, I started taking spinning classes, which I really enjoyed and really helped me lose weight initially - you burn a ton of calories. Do you know if your gym offers any classes?

  3. p.s. spinning is also not hard on your knees - i have bad knees too!


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